
Lighting a Candle

Lighting A Candle

America faces a shortage of health care professionals across the board. Nowhere is the problem more pronounced than in the rural south. Brenau nursing practice graduate Myron Faircloth is doing something about it. THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN MEDICAL COLLEGES estimates that by 2020, there will be a shortage of 45,000 primary care physicians with demand […]

Meeting Mr. Carter

Meeting Mr. Carter

Women’s College First-year Seminar Shakes Students from Comfort Zones In the spring of 2014, the seemingly indefatigable former President Jimmy Carter published his latest book, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence and Power – a well-documented indictment of persecution and prejudice that women still endure around the world. Since the Georgia-based Brenau Women’s College assigns […]

Lasting Art

Lasting Art

Jean Westmacott spent 16 years helping catapult Brenau University into a North Georgia oasis for painting, sculpture and other works in a region that a satirist once referred to as ‘The Sahara of the Bozarts.’ Her work in bronze, marble and other media now helps tell the Brenau story in a way that is destined […]

Model Life

When Lara Magzan arrived at Brenau as a teenager with more world experience than most people have in a lifetime, she felt nothing like the Greek goddess of courage. As a college student, Lara Magzan, WC ’95, modeled for Brenau University faculty member Jean Westmacott as the sculptor prepared to create the Athena statue as […]

Heavy Hitter

When you read about 2014 Brenau Athletics Hall of Fame inductee Antonina Grib Lerch’s days as the top U.S. collegiate singles tennis player, her competitors share one common denominator. Whether they played on NAIA or NCAA Division II or III players, she generally beat them all. Since then the tennis champ has continuously moved up […]

Home Field Advantage

Softball Players at MIlliken Plant

Donations from Pacolet Milliken and Ivester organizations put the ball in play for development of a $4.4 million, multi-use athletics park that preserves the community spirit of the historical New Holland mill village.  In 1903 it appeared as though Capt. John H. Montgomery’s dream of an idyllic North Georgia community in which all the residents […]

The Song Leader

At the undergraduate and graduate commencement this past spring, the person in full academic regalia chosen to “lead the singing” of the Brenau University alma mater and the university’s praise anthem was 27-year-old Gabriel Lopez, BU ’14. Ironically, a sixth-grade music theory class almost derailed Lopez’s long journey to a musical performance degree from Brenau. […]

Brenau’s First Doctorates: Five for the Record Books

The women rose as a group, holding hands like finalists in some sort of pageant. In a sense, they were. You could see the excitement bubbling behind their faces as Provost Nancy Krippel in full academic regalia smiled broadly and began the ritualistic intonation: “President Schrader, I present to you the candidates for the Doctor […]

Learning by Heart

Kathy Light, chair of the Brenau Physical Therapy Department

Physical therapy is a hands-on science. Practical experience with patients matters. Brenau is building a program that will serve the needs of both its doctoral candidates and the community. Physical therapy is all about movement.  The idea is to give patients who are sick – and even people who are healthy – the ability to […]

The Sound of Both Hands Clapping

The soldier, the redhead and the simple gesture that signaled a lifetime of meaning for both of them.  The man at the bar, Frank Barroqueiro, had one of those Duck Dynasty beards. At age 38, he stood surrounded by family and friends to celebrate his retirement from the U.S. Army. Some had flown in from […]