Kennedy Salters, WC ’17
Kennedy Salters, WC ’17, recently performed in Music of the ’60s at Mill Mountain Theatre in Roanoke, Virginia. Salters previously interned and performed with the Arkansas Repertory Theatre and then traveled north to perform with the Cortland Repertory …
Chelsey Holland, WC ’17
Chelsey Holland, WC ’17, is excited to announce that she has accepted a first-grade teaching position with Clarke County Schools in Georgia for fall 2018.
Cassidy Collier, WC ’17
Cassidy Collier, WC ’17, married Micah Mattox on Dec. 16, 2017, in Cleveland, Georgia, with several of her Brenau sisters in attendance, including, from left, senior Brittany Brookins, Meg Bronaugh, WC ‘16, Sara Jane Bowers, WC ‘18, and Katelyn Brown, …