Gabby Mathews, BU ’09
Gabby Mathews, BU ’09, former Brenau swim team coach, was selected as a volunteer for the 2016 Summer Olympics in her native country of Brazil.

Karen Snyder Post, BU ’07
Karen Snyder Post, BU ’07, retired in June 2015 from teaching middle school science in Gwinnett County Public Schools.

Bob Ayres, BU ’92
Bob Ayres, BU ’92, recently graduated from Beeson Divinity School at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, with a Doctorate of Ministry. Ayres is the national director of Deaf Teen Quest, a ministry of Youth For Christ USA. His doctoral dissertati …

Carly Berg, WC ’14, and Haden Rider, BU ’14
Carly Berg, WC ’14, and Haden Rider, BU ’14, artistic directors of the theatre for youth group Play On Players, won two awards at the Junior Theater Festival in Atlanta. Their production of Guys and Dolls was awarded “Outstanding Production” at the fes …

Amy O’Dell, BU ’09
Amy O’Dell, BU ’09, received the 2016 Rick Perkins Award for Excellence in Technical Instruction at Lanier Technical College. She joined the faculty in 2012. She serves as its interiors program chair and lead instructor as well as its division chair fo …

Carol Cox, BU ’06
Carol Cox, BU ’06, director of marketing and business development at Lenox Square in Atlanta, creates and implements Lenox Square’s overall strategic marketing plans, including retailer relations, advertising, showcasing the property to tourists and th …

H. Jean Gray, BU ’93
H. Jean Gray, BU ’93, released a book, The Truth About Parenting: A Universal Manual for Parenting, that she says she hopes will shine a new light on the real problems she sees occurring with many parents. She adds that she wants her book to help peopl …

Robin Vaughn Repinski, WC ’88, Caroline “Happy” Smith Mason, WC ’86, Laverne Lipscomb, BU ’02 and Amy Flagel Scandrett, WC ’87
Robin Vaughn Repinski, WC ’88, recently hosted a gathering for several fellow alumnae at her home in Dallas, Texas. Pictured left to right: Robin, Caroline “Happy” Smith Mason, WC ’86, Brenau Senior Director of Development Robert Shippey (holding Robin …

2014 M.B.A. Abe Prescher Wins Prestigious Yale Medical Center Fellowship
Pictured: Abe Prescher starts in New Haven this summer alongside another Yale hospital fellowship winner, left, his wife, Lt. Cmdr. Lindsey Prescher, a Navy surgeon. Abraham Prescher, BU ’14, was selected as the lone 2016 recipient of the prestigious Y …
Maria Sarantis Gaddy, BU ’99
Maria Sarantis Gaddy, BU ’99, after a 30-year career at Athens Regional Medical Center as the charge nurse of the inpatient oncology unit, went back to school. Gaddy graduated in May 2015 from the University of North Georgia in Dahlonega with a Master …