Winter 2016: Brenau Strong
The Great Eight
If you measure Brenau Strong by brainpower, you can use as an example the eight young women tapped for the Brenau Scholar program. They bring much more to the Women’s College than enviable intellects.
- Katherine Fuller: Introducing Sen. Fuller
- Abigail Sandifer: A ‘novel’ survivor
- Chayla Park: Muscling past intimidation
- Emma Jaczko: Crunching numbers, making waves
- Taylor Bennett: From playmaker to healer
- Allie McConnell: A different kind of therapist
- Hannah Skelton: Taking it to the next stage
- Jihae Stanfield: ‘Nothing can take me down’
Brenau Strong
How does Brenau Women’s College define strength? A long list of qualities expand the definition of Brenau Strong in the transformation of “Super Girls” to super Brenau women.
Battle Tested
As chair of the psychology department, Dr. Julie Battle oversees a faculty and staff of 10 professionals who deliver both undergraduate and graduate programs. However, she is probably best known as an advocate in the legal system for abused children – which takes a special kind of strength.
Body of Work
Golden Tigers intercollegiate sports teams often compete for conference and national championships with much larger schools and test all opponents. The secret? None of the others have Gary Hatfield.
Early Adopters
Several decades ago, Margaret May Franklin and her husband, Stu, broke the rules of convention when they planned for how their estate would be allocated between his alma mater and hers. They were ahead of the times.
Board of Trustees
Peter D. Miller, Chair
Philip A. Wilheit Sr., Vice Chair
James Anthony Walters, Secretary
Carole Ann Carter Daniel, WC ’68, Treasurer
Gale Johnson Allen, BU ’91
Robin Smith Dudley, WC ’78
Kathryn (Kit) Dunlap, WC ’64
Emmie Henderson Howard, WC ’01
M. Douglas Ivester
Anna Alexander Jacobs, WC ’86
Emily Dunlap Lawson
Antonina Grib Lerch, WC ‘03
Ben E. Lilly
James E. Mathis Jr.
Steve McKibbon
James H. Moore
Betty Verson Norton, WC ’52
Gary L. Riley
Lawrence B. Schrage
David F. Seng
Erin McCabe Seng, BU ’93
Gail A. Smith, WC ’83
Mike Smith
Charles A. Smithgall III
Shay English Stafford, WC ’69
Bob Swoszowski
Stuart R. Virgin
Rear Admiral Patricia E. Wolfe, BU ‘87
Trustees Emeriti
Jane Wood Banks
Raymond H. Burch
June Cooke Hook, WC ’43
Mary Helen Roop Hosch, WC ’35
Henry S. Jennings Jr., M.D.
C.V. Nalley III
Thomas H. Paris Jr.
Lessie Bailey Smithgall
Edward L. Schrader, Ph. D.
David Morrison
Associate Editor/Design Director
Christie Gregory
Photographer and Multimedia Editor
Nick Dentamaro
Director of Multimedia Publishing
Michael McPeek
Staff Writers
Allison Reeger Cook
James Swift
Contributing Writers
Judy Cartwright
Candice Dyer
Ben McDade
Contributing Editors
Danielle Miller, BU ’08
Emily Stockton, WC ’11
Executive Director, Alumni & Constituent Engagement
Jenny Dell, BU ’15
Winter 2016, Brenau Window (USPS024-396) is published three times a year by the Brenau University Office of Communications & Publications, 500 Washington St. SE, Gainesville, GA 30501.